Sax Mic: One of the Best Microphones for Saxophone

Kevin Busse Mar 18, 2025
333 People Read
Shure Beta 98H/C mic and case

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. 

The Best Clip-on Mic for Saxophone

This is one of the best microphones for YouTube as anyone who would like to listen to the quality of this mic can see how it performs on any of my 365+ videos at KB Saxophone Lessons @ YouTube.

Shure Beta 98H/C clip on mic for saxophone

It has been the one and only saxophone microphone I have used for well over 250 videos that I have spent countless hours of time and effort on.

KB Sax Lessons is a channel where I demonstrate on YouTube how to play popular saxophone solos and song through teaching demonstrations, play along sheet music, and where I mimic the playing of the original recording.

saxophone Shure Beta 98h/c clip on mic

Best Saxophone Clip On Mic

Introduction to the Shure Beta 98H/C Clip-on Sax Mic

When it comes to recording or performing, having great saxophone mics is key. (no pun intended)

A good saxophone microphone should capture all the nuances of your playing, from the subtlest details to the loudest fortissimo coming from your horn.

In this blog post, I'll be taking a close look at what has been one the best microphones on the market for saxophone, so you can see how different types of sax microphones compare to the Shure Beta 98H/C.

At the end of the day, a good saxophone microphone has to play to your needs and sound great.

saxophone wired clip on mic

The Shure Beta 98H/C Sax Microphone Review

For the record, this saxophone microphone has been suitable for my needs as an instructor at KB Sax Lessons on YouTube.

Shure microphone case

My opinion about this alto sax clip-on mic

In my opinion, this mic is one of the best saxophone microphones that I have had personal experience with for over the past 5 years.

It is perfect for those who want an unobtrusive microphone that yields a high-quality sound.

Back when I was shopping for sax mics, I spent the time and specifically chose to use this particular mic for all of the videos that I have recorded on YouTube.

It provides convenience because the clip on mic attaches easily without scratching your horn, which is something I have been extremely careful about.

Thankfully, I haven't made any scratches on my horn as there is no resemblance of any damage for over 5 years.

It has been reliable when recording all of my videos and has proven to be easy to listen to in any room that I record in.

zipper microphone case

How the sax mic performs on stage and at home

Some rooms have had a lot of echo that does not show up on the recording because of how directional this mic is.

Additionally, stage microphones like this mic that I use can be a great option for students who need additional stage presence to cut through and be heard.

Shure Beta 98H/C clip on mic on table

Explained: Why this Clip on mic is a great choice

The Shure Beta 98H/C attaches directly to your saxophone's bell, and its supercardioid polar pattern ensures that only your instrument is picked up, not any ambient noise.

Which is another reason why it can help those who want to cut through on their own.

In other words, this mic only picks up direct sound that your bell produces.

No need to worry about standing too close or too far from a mic on stage or at home, it is always with you in the same exact spot wherever you decide to put it.

This gives extra consistency for when you perform so it won't sound awkward due to its positioning always being consistent.

saxophone clip on mic

The Shure Beta 98H/C offers "directional sound"

The directional sound of the saxophone requires a dynamic microphone like the Shure Beta 98H/C because the saxophone is in the shape of a conical bore like a bell.

This means that the sound is funneled through a cone-like shape.

Thankfully saxophones are more artistic than looking anything close to a cone used in construction! (ha ha!)

Some saxophone players may say that the sound comes out around the keys, but the sound of the horn actually goes all the way through and is projected out of the bell.

This mic does pick up on the sound of your fingers so there isn't anything missing in a sound recording for true saxophone fans.

To reiterate, this is why you shouldn't put your ear directly into your horn, that's where the mic goes!

The sound is at maximum volume in this location and the Shure Beta 98H/C is able built to be capable of handling it no matter if your in a tiny room.

Shure Beta 98h/c plug in xlr

Live recording quality of this sax mic

This clip on microphone is also great for live stage performances, as it can handle high sound pressure levels without distorting.

All of the sound coming from the bell will not exceed the capability of this device.

It is easy for mixing onstage so you can play without worrying if the sound is at the right level.

Once I set it correctly for my video recordings, I don't have to worry about it again.

Having said all of that, this dynamic mic has a wide range of acceptable sound for on stage performances by saxophone players.

Multiple different instrument options for this clip-on mic

These clip on mics are handy for woodwind instruments as well as brass instruments.

Apparently it can pair with percussion instruments due to the levels it can handle, but we won't go into details about percussion instruments in this article.

As long as you can find a place to clip on this microphone to your particular horn, it is an option that sounds great for students, performers, and instruments.

clip on mic on sax

Students Comments about the microphone

This microphone also sounds great on other instruments according to KB Sax Lessons fans on YouTube who have purchased through my recommendation.

I know this because I have heard from students and fans in the comment section who have vouched for the fact that they also have experience with this mic.

I have heard from students at KB Saxophone Lessons that this microphone is durable for trombone players and tenor sax players alike which allow more options for its use with other instruments.

Compare price between different mics

Here is a price comparison list between the best saxophone microphones that I found to be appearing highest in search results for this instrument.

The prices of these microphones are the best prices I could find at the time of writing this article. The list goes from most expensive to least expensive.

Price List comparison (Wireless and non wireless)

ISOLO CHOICE Sax Wireless Microphone $539

Myers Pickups Feather Sax Microphone $219

Shure Beta 98H/C Clip on Microphone $175

Shure PGA98H-XLR Cardioid Condenser Gooseneck Sax Microphone $98

FerBuee UHF Wireless Sax Microphone $69

HEIMU Condenser Microphone for Sax $65

This is based on the best price for a wireless microphones and wired microphone on the market at the time of writing this article. (November 2022).

The range of quality of sound may be subtle to audience members, but when comparing between different mics side by side the differences become more clear if you take a closer listen.

Just keep in mind, that there are people in the comment section of YouTube who claim hear some subtle differences.

This all depends on how well their ears are trained to pick up on those differences.

For the most part, when I purchase microphones I like something that is of decent quality, last a long time, and isn't necessarily the cheapest option to get by.

saxophone clip on microphone on sax


There are a lot of great microphones on the market today, but finding the perfect one for your needs can be daunting.

Microphone technology continues to advance, however the Shure Beta 98H/C has been part of my gear for over the last 5 years and it continues to be a competitive product for this niche.

Search results continue to promote this microphone as it has stood the test of time.

The price range has been very reasonable for the amount of time I spend recording videos for my KB Saxophone Lessons channel on YouTube.

The more time I spend with this microphone, the more worthwhile has been my purchase.

I don't think I would have gone with a cheaper option judging from how much time I have spent working with this microphone.

I wouldn't want to waste time on others because I have found a good fit that works for me.

At the end of the day, I hope this list has helped you narrow down your choices and find the perfect microphone for your saxophone recordings or performances.

Please let me know how you like using this product. I will keep this in mind and update the content as I learn more from people like you.

Thank you.

Shure Beta 98H/C Clip on Mic

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Disclosure:  Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase.